Islamic Calender

Monday, November 30, 2009

WEB Introduction

Reason behind:
This site is specailly designed to promote islamic culture in its true means because western & indian (non-islamic) culture are badly effecting in changing and destroying our true culture values,
Secondly as we know that mobile sms is the only world's fastest and cheapest media in the present era. This media is also also involved in producing wrong &  false information against islam. This site will (insha Allah) play an important role in providing true information with great religious reposibility & be helpful in correction of wrong sms. May Allah help us. Ameen!
Quranic Ayats;-----

1) "If anyone interprets the book of ALLAH in the light of his opinion even if he is right he is erred" (Abu Dawud)
2) "Mohammad (Peace be upon him) who ever (intentionally) ascribes to me that i have not set then (surely) let him occupy his seat in hell-fire" (Sahi Bukhari)
3) "If someone which is not in the harmony with the principles of our religion , that thing is rejected" (Sahi Bukhari)
4) "The best amongst of you is he who learnt the Quran and then taught it" (Sahi Bukhari)
5) "He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or saying good things is not a liar" (Sahi Bukhari)
6) "He who truly believes in ALLAH and the last day should speak good or keep silent" (Sahi Bukhari & Sahi Muslim)
7) "None of you will have faith till loves me more than his father his children and all mankind" (Sahi Bukhari)
"Facilitate things to people (concerning religious matters) and do not make it hard for them and give them good tidings and do not make them run away (from islam)" (Sahi Bukhari)
8) "Religion is very easy and who ever our burdens himself in his religion will not be able to continue in that way. So you should not be extremists , but try to be near to perfection and receive the good tidings that you will be rewarded , and galn strength by worshipping in the mornings , the nights" (Narrated by Abu Huraira R.A-Sahi Muslim Bukhari)
9) "A group of people from ummah will continue to fight in the defence of truth and remain triumphant untill the day of judgment" (Sahi Muslim)
10) "It is a great treachery that you tell brother something he accepts as truth from you , but you are lying" (Abu Dawud)
11) "Leave what you have doubt about for that you have no doubt about; for it is truth that brings peace of mind and it falsehood that brings doubt" (Masnad-e-Ahmad , Jameh Tirmazi , Nasa'i)
12) "The word of wisdom is the lost property of the believer , so wherever he finds it he has a better right to it" (Jameh Tirmazi)
13) "The best amongst you is he who pays his debts in the most handsome manner" (Sahi Bukhari)
14) "Fear GOD wherever you are , let an evil deed (be) followed by a good deed so that you blot it out , and be well-behaved towards people" (Masnad-e-Ahmad , Jameh Tirmazi)
15) "None of you will have faith till he wishes for his (Muslim) brother what he likes for himself" (Sahi Bukhari)
16) "Who ever desires and expension in his sustenance and age , should keep good relations with his kith and kin" (Sahi Bukhari)
17) "If anyone of you improve (follows strictly) his islamic religion then his good deeds will be rewarded 10 times to 700 times for each good deed and a bad deed will be recorded as it is" (Sahi Bukhari)
18) "When a men dies no further reward is recorded for his actions , with three exceptions: Sadqa which continues to be supplied , or knowledge from which benefit continues to be repped or the prayers of a good son to his dead father" (Sahi Muslim)

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