Islamic Calender

Monday, April 12, 2010

:: Meaning of some Common Islamic Terms in Arabic ::

Allāh - The Name of the one God we Worship. - Please make sure that you always write/type the Name of Allāh with a capital 'A'.
Allāhu Akbar = "Allāh is the Greatest"

Alhamdulillah = "All praise is due to Allāh"

Ameen = "O Allāh, accept our invocation"

Astaghfirullah = "I seek forgiveness from Allāh"

Audhubillah = "I seek refuge in Allāh"

Bismillah = "In the name of Allāh"

Insha'Allāh = "If Allāh wills"

FiAmanillah = "May Allāh protect you"

JazakAllahu Khayran = "May Allāh reward you for the good"

Masha'Allāh = "Allāh has willed it"

Subhan'Allāh = "Glory be to Allāh"