Islamic Calender

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wrong Islamic Messages?

Q.) Which islamic messages(sms) are false/ wrong/ incorrect?
Ans: All that islamic Mobile Messages(sms) that if are Quran's verses(ayats) translations then their should at least Surah's name & Ayat's number Mentioned(and Para name if possible) and if are Hadees-e-Nabvi(s.a.w) sms then it's Hadees Book reference(name), jild number, chapter(bab) number, & page number should be Mentined.
Q.) How can we Recheck an islamic messages(sms) are false/ wrong/ incorrect?
Ans: If islamic sms is a Quranic ayat(verse) translation then every one can check with the given Surah name & ayat numbers in Any avaible Quran's translation, if the meaning is close to the translations then Forward and be the part of Saqda-e-Jariya easily, But if the sms(msg is a Hadees-e-Nabvi(s.a.w) then first check that wheather Hadees Book name, jild number, chapter(bab) number & page number is avaiable, if you think that there is any mistake then kindly email us at or
 Do Call at 0092-333-5219264( only between at 2pm to 3pm, No sms will be answered.
To be continued............

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Islamic Calender?

Islamic calendar??
The Islamic calendar or Muslim calendar or Hijri calendar (Arabic: التقويم الهجري‎; at-taqwīm al-hijrī; Persian: تقویم هجری قمری ‎ taqwīm-e hejri-ye qamari; Turkish: Hicri Takvim) is a lunar calendar based on 12 lunar months in a year of 354 or 355 days, used to date events in many Muslim countries (concurrently with the Gregorian calendar), and used by Muslims everywhere to determine the proper day on which to celebrate Islamic holy days and festivals. Its first year was the year during which the Hijra, i.e. the emigration of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w) from Mecca(Makkah) to Medina, occurred. Each numbered year is designated either H for Hijra or AH for the Latin anno Hegirae (in the year of the Hijra).A limited number of years Before Hijra (BH) are used to date events related to Islam, such as the Birth of Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w) in 53 BH. The current Islamic year is 1431 AH, from approximately December 17, 2009 (evening) to December 6, 2010 (evening).

1 Months
2 Days of the week
3 History
3.1 Pre-Islamic calendar
3.2 Prohibiting Nasi
4 Numbering the years
5 Astronomical considerations
6 Theological considerations
7 Saudi Arabia's Umm al-Qura calendar
8 Tabular Islamic calendar
9 Kuwaiti algorithm
10 Notable dates
11 Current correlations
12 Uses

The Islamic months are named as follows:
Muharram محرّم (or Muharram al Haram)
Safar صفر (or Hafar al Muzaffar)
Rabi' al-awwal (Rabī' I) ربيع الأول
Rabi' al-thani (or Rabī' al Thānī, or Rabī' al-Akhir) (Rabī' II) ربيع الآخر أو ربيع الثاني
Jumada al-awwal (Jumādā I) جمادى الاول
Jumada al-thani (or Jumādā al-akhir) (Jumādā II) جمادى الآخر أو جمادى الثاني
Rajab رجب (or Rajab al Murajab)
Sha'aban شعبان (or Sha'abān al Moazam)
Ramadan رمضان (or Ramzān, long form: Ramahdān al Mubarak)
Shawwal شوّال (or Shawwal al Mukarram)
Dhu al-Qi'dah ذو القعدة
Dhu al-Hijjah ذو الحجة

Of all the months in the Islamic calendar, Ramadan is the most venerated. Muslims are required to abstain from eating, drinking any liquid, and sexual intercourse during the daylight hours of this month.
Days of the week;  
In the Arabic language, as in the Hebrew language, the "first day" of the week corresponds with Sunday of the planetary week. The Islamic and Jewish weekdays begin at sunset, whereas the medieval Christian and planetary weekdays begin at the following midnight.Muslims gather for worship at a mosque at noon on "gathering day" (yaum al-jumu'a) which corresponds with Friday. Thus "gathering day" is often regarded as the weekly day of rest, so the following day, Saturday, is often regarded as the first day of the work week.

Arabic/ English /Hindi/ Indonesian/ Malay/ Urdu /Persian;

1 .yawm al-ahad, يوم الأحد first day, Sunday, रविवार Minggu Ahad, Itwaar اتوار, Yek-Shanbeh یکشنبه
2 .yawm al-ithnayn يوم الاثنين second day, Monday, सोमवार Senin Isnin, Pîr پير, Do-Shanbeh دوشنبه
3 .yawm ath-thulaathaah يوم الثلاثاء third day, Tuesday, गलवार Selasa Selasa, Mangl منگل, Seh-Shanbeh سه شنبه
4 .yawm al-arbihaah يوم الأربعاء fourth day, Wednesday, बुधवार Rabu Rabu, Budh بدھ, Chahar-Shanbeh چهارشنبه
5 .yawm al-khamīs يوم الخميس fifth day, Thursday, गुरुवार Kamis Khamis,  Jumahraat جمعرات, Panj-Shanbeh پنجشنبه
6 .yawm al-jumha يوم الجمعة gathering day, Friday, शुक्रवार Jumat Jumaat, Jumah جمعہ, Jom'e or Adineh جمعه or آدينه
7. yawm as-sabt يوم السبت  sabbath day, Saturday, शनिवार Sabtu Sabtu, Hafta ہفتہ, Shanbeh شنبه
("yawm- يوم" means day)

Pre-Islamic calendar
Some scholars, both Muslim and Western, think that the pre-Islamic calendar of central Arabia was a purely lunar calendar similar to the modern Islamic calendar, differing only when the sanctity of the four holy months were postponed by one month from time to time.
Other scholars, both Muslim and Western,concur that it was originally a lunar calendar, but about 200 years before the Hijra it was transformed into a lunisolar calendar containing an intercalary month added from time to time to keep the pilgrimage within the season of the year when merchandise was most abundant for Bedouin buyers. This intercalation was administered by the Nasa'a of the tribe Kinana, known as the Kalomis, the plural of Kalammas, who learned of it from Jews. The process was called Nasi or postponement because every third year the beginning of the year was postponed by one month. The intercalation doubled the month of the pilgrimage, that is, the month of the pilgrimage and the following month were given the same name, postponing the names and the sanctity of all subsequent months in the year by one. The first intercalation doubled the first month Muharram, then three years later the second month Safar was doubled, continuing until the intercalation had passed through all twelve months of the year and returned to Muharram, when it was repeated. Support for this view is provided by inscriptions from the south Arabian pre-Islamic kingdoms of Qataban (Kataban) and Sheba (Saba) (both in modern Yemen), whose lunisolar calendars featured an intercalary month obtained by repeating a normal month. The prohibition of Nasi was revealed when the intercalated month had returned to its position just before Nasi began.
If  Nasi meant intercalation, then the number and the position of the intercalary months between 1 AH and 10 AH are uncertain, western calendar dates commonly cited for key events in early Islam such as the Hijra, the Battle of Badr, the Battle of Uhud and the Battle of the Trench, should be viewed with caution as they might be in error by one, two or even three lunar months.

Prohibiting Nasi
In the tenth year of the Hijra, as documented in the Qur'an (surah 9:36-37), Muslims believe God (Allah) revealed the prohibition of the Nasi.
The number of months with Allah has been twelve months by Allah's ordinance since the day He created the heavens and the earth. Of these four are known as forbidden [to fight in]; That is the straight usage, so do not wrong yourselves therein, and fight those who go astray. But know that Allah is with those who restrain themselves.
Verily the transposing (of a prohibited month) is an addition to Unbelief: The Unbelievers are led to wrong thereby: for they make it lawful one year, and forbidden another year, of months forbidden by Allah and make such forbidden ones lawful. The evil of their course seems pleasing to them. But Allah guideth not those who reject Faith.
Muhammad prohibiting intercalation, illustration of Al-Bīrūnī's The Remaining Signs of Past Centuries (17th century copy of an early 14th century Ilkhanid manuscript).This prohibition was repeated by Muhammad during the farewell sermon which was delivered on 9 Dhu al-Hijja 10 AH on Mount Arafat during the farewell pilgrimage to Mecca.
Certainly the Nasi is an impious addition, which has led the infidels into error. One year they authorise the Nasi, another year they forbid it. They observe the divine precept with respect to the number of the sacred months, but in fact they profane that which God has declared to be inviolable, and sanctify that which God has declared to be profane. Assuredly time, in its revolution, has returned to such as it was at the creation of the heavens and the earth. In the eyes of God the number of the months is twelve. Among these twelve months four are sacred, namely, Rajab, which stands alone, and three others which are consecutive.
The three successive forbidden months mentioned by Muhammad (months in which battles are forbidden) are Dhu al-Qi'dah, Dhu al-Hijjah, and Muharram, months 11, 12, and 1. The single forbidden month is Rajab, month 7. These months were considered forbidden both within the new Islamic calendar and within the old pagan Meccan calendar, although whether they maintained their "forbidden" status after the conquest of Mecca has been disputed among Islamic scholars.[citation needed]

Numbering the years
In pre-Islamic Arabia, it was customary to identify a year after a major event which took place in it. Thus, according to Islamic tradition, Abraha, governor of Yemen, then a province of the Christian Kingdom of Aksum (Ethiopia), attempted to destroy the Kaaba with an army which included several elephants. The raid was unsuccessful, but that year became known as the Year of the Elephant. It saw the birth of Muhammad (see surat al-Fil). That corresponded to the year 570 or 571 CE.
In 638 (the year 17 AH), Abu-Musa al-Asha'ari, one of the officials of the second Caliph Umar in Basrah, complained about the absence of any dating system in the correspondence he received from Umar, making it difficult for him to determine which instructions were most recent. This report convinced Umar of the need to introduce a calendar system for Muslims. After debating the issue with his Counsellors, he decided to start the calendar with the date of Muhammad’s arrival at Medina.
Uthman ibn Affan then suggested to start the calendar with the month of Muharram, in line with the established custom of the Arabs at that time.
The Islamic calendar numbering of the years thus began with the month of Muharram in the year of Muhammad’s arrival at the city of Medina. According to calculations, the first day of the first year corresponded to Friday, July 16, 622 (even though the actual emigration took place in September).Because of the Hijra event, the calendar was named the Hijrah calendar.
The first surviving attested use of the Hijri calendar is on a papyrus from Egypt in 22 AH, PERF 558.

Astronomical considerations
The Islamic calendar is not to be confused with the lunar calendar. The latter is based on a year of 12 months adding up to 354.37 days. Each lunar month begins at the time of the monthly "conjunction", when the Moon is located on a straight line between the Earth and the Sun. The month is defined as the average duration of a rotation of the Moon around the Earth (29.53 days). By convention, months of 30 days and 29 days succeed each other, adding up over two successive months to 59 full days. This leaves only a small monthly variation of 44 mn to account for, which adds up to a total of 24 hours (i.e. the equivalent of one full day) in 2.73 years. To settle accounts, it is sufficient to add one day every three years to the lunar calendar, in the same way that one adds one day to the Gregorian calendar, every four years.The technical details of the adjustment are described in Tabular Islamic Calendar.
The Islamic calendar, however, is based on a different set of conventions.Each month has either 29 or 30 days, but usually in no discernible order. Traditionally, the first day of each month is the day (beginning at sunset) of the first sighting of the hilal shortly after sunset. If the hilal is not observed immediately after the 29th day of a month (either because clouds block its view or because the western sky is still too bright when the moon sets...), then the day that begins at that sunset is the 30th. Such a sighting has to be made by one or more trustworthy men testifying before a committee of Muslim leaders. Determining the most likely day that the hilal could be observed was a motivation for Muslim interest in astronomy, which put Islam in the forefront of that science for many centuries.
This traditional practice is still followed in the overwhelming majority of Muslim countries. Each Islamic State proceeds with its own monthly observation of the new moon (or, failing that, awaits the completion of 30 days) before declaring the beginning of a new month on its territory. But, the lunar crescent becomes visible only some 15–18 hours after the conjunction, and only subject to the existence of a number of favourable conditions relative to weather, time, geographic location, as well as various astronomical parameters.Given the fact that the moon sets progressively later than the sun as one goes West, Western Muslim countries are likely to observe the new moon one day earlier than Eastern Muslim countries. Due to the interplay of all these factors, the beginning of each month differs from one Muslim country to another, and the information provided by the calendar in any country does not extend beyond the current month.
A number of Muslim countries try to overcome some of these difficulties by applying different astronomy-related rules to determine the beginning of months. Thus, Malaysia, Indonesia, and a few others begin each month at sunset on the first day that the moon sets after the sun (moonset after sunset). In Egypt, the month begins at sunset on the first day that the moon sets at least five minutes after the sun...A detailed analysis of the available data shows, however, that there are major discrepancies between what countries say they do on this subject, and what they actually do.

Theological considerations
If the Islamic calendar were prepared using astronomical calculations, Muslims throughout the Muslim world could use it to meet all their needs, the way they use the Gregorian calendar today. But, there are divergent views on whether it is licit to do so.
A majority of theologians oppose the use of calculations on the grounds that this would not conform with Muhammad's recommendation to observe the new moon of Ramadan and Shawal in order to determine the beginning of these months.
But, since there is no prohibition to use astronomical calculations in the Qur’an, some jurists see no contradiction between Muhammad’s teachings and the use of calculations to determine the beginnings of lunar months] They consider that Muhammad's recommendation was adapted to the culture of the times, and should not be confused with the acts of worship.
Thus, jurists Ahmad Muhammad Shakir and Yusuf al-Qaradawi both endorsed the use of calculations to determine the beginning of all months of the Islamic calendar, in 1939 and 2004 respectively.So did the "Fiqh Council of North America" (FCNA) in 2006 and the "European Council for Fatwa and Research" (ECFR) in 2007.

Saudi Arabia's Umm al-Qura calendar
Saudi Arabia uses the sighting method to determine the beginning of each month of the Hijri calendar. Since AH 1419 (1998/99) several official hilal sighting committees have been set up by the government to determine the first visual sighting of the lunar crescent at the beginning of each lunar month. Nevertheless, the religious authorities also allow the testimony of less experienced observers and thus often announce the sighting of the lunar crescent on a date when none of the official committees could see it.
The country also uses the Umm al-Qura calendar, based on astronomical calculations, but this is restricted to administrative purposes. The parameters used in the establishment of this calendar underwent significant changes over the past decade.
Before AH 1420 (before April 18, 1999), if the moon's age at sunset in Riyad was at least 12 hours, then the day ending at that sunset was the first day of the month. This often caused the Saudis to celebrate holy days one or even two days before other predominantly Muslim countries, including the dates for the Hajj, which can only be dated using Saudi dates because it is performed in Mecca(Makkah).
For AH 1420-22, if moonset occurred after sunset at Mecca(Makkah), then the day beginning at that sunset was the first day of a Saudi month, essentially the same rule used by Malaysia, Indonesia, and others (except for the location from which the hilal was observed)
Since the beginning of AH 1423 (March 16, 2002), the rule has been clarified a little by requiring the geocentric conjunction of the sun and moon to occur before sunset, in addition to requiring moonset to occur after sunset at Mecca(Makkah). This ensures that the moon has moved past the sun by sunset, even though the sky may still be too bright immediately before moonset to actually see the crescent.
In 2007, the Islamic Society of North America, the Fiqh Council of North America and the European Council for Fatwa and Research announced that they will henceforth use a calendar based on calculations, using the same parameters as the Umm al-Qura calendar, to determine (well in advance) the beginning of all lunar months (and therefore the days associated with all religious observances). This was intended as a first step on the way to unify Muslims' calendars throughout the world, in some future time. But, despite this stated objective, they will continue to differ, on this point, from Saudi Arabia's officially stated, but hard to verify policy of relying exclusively on sighting to determine the dates of religious observances.

Tabular Islamic calendar
Main article: Tabular Islamic calendar
There exists a variation of the Islamic calendar known as the tabular Islamic calendar in which months are worked out by arithmetic rules rather than by observation or astronomical calculation. It has a 30-year cycle with 11 leap years of 355 days and 19 years of 354 days. In the long term, it is accurate to one day in about 2500 years. It also deviates up to about 1 or 2 days in the short term.

Kuwaiti algorithm
Main article: Kuwaiti algorithm
Microsoft uses the "Kuwaiti algorithm" to convert Gregorian dates to the Islamic ones. Microsoft claims that it is based on a statistical analysis of historical data from Kuwait but it is in fact a variant of the tabular Islamic calendar.

Notable dates
Main article: Muslim holidays
Important dates in the Islamic (Hijri) year are:
1 Muharram (Islamic New Year & Day of Hazrat Omer bin Khataab's(r.a) Martyrdom)

10 Muharram (Day of A'shu'rah) For Sunni Muslims, the crossing of the Red Sea by the Israelites. For Shia Muslims, the Martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali(r.a), the Grandson of Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w), and his followers.

12 Rabi al Awal (Mawlid(Day of Birthday) of Nabi(s.a.w) for Sunni Muslims)

17 Rabi al Awal (Mawlid(Day of Birthday) of Nabi(s.a.w) for Shia Muslims Twelvers)

13 Rajab (Birthday of Ali ibn Abi Talib)

27 Rajab (Isra and Miraj-e-Nabi(s.a.w))

15 Sha'ban (Shab-e-Baraat, or Night of Forgiveness)

1 Ramadan (first day of fasting)

21 Ramadan (Day of Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib's(r.a) Martyrdom)

27 Ramadan (Nuzul Al-Qur'an) (17 Ramadan in Indonesia and Malaysia)

Last third of Ramadan which includes Laylat al-Qadr

1 Shawwal (Eid al-Fitr)

8-13 Dhu al-Hijjah (the Hajj to Mecca(Makkah))

10 Dhu al-Hijjah (Eid al-Adha)

18 Dhu al-Hijjah (Day of Hazrat Usman bin Affan's(r.a)) Martyrdom)

 Special Islamic Days

Event                                              Hijri Date                               Gregorian Date
Aashoraa day,                            10 Muharram 1431                      27 December 2009

First day of fasting month,           1 Ramadhan 1431                     11 August 2010 (tentative)

Lailat ul-Qadr (The night of power), 20-29 Ramadhan 1431      30 August - 8 September 2010

Eidu al-fitr                                    1 Shawwal 1431                   10 September 2010 (tentative)

Hajj days                                     8-13 Thw al-Hijjah 1431           14-19 November 2010

Arafa day                                       9 Thw al-Hijjah 1431                 15 November 2010

Eidu al-adha                                    10 Thw al-Hijja 1431                16 November 2010

Aashoraa day                                    10 Muharram 1432                 16 December 2010

Current correlations
For a very rough conversion, multiply the Islamic year number by 0.97, and then add 622 to get the Gregorian year number. An Islamic year will be entirely within a Gregorian year of the same number in the year 20874. The Islamic calendar year of 1429 occurred entirely within the Gregorian calendar year of 2008. Such years occur once every 33 or 34 Islamic years (32 or 33 Gregorian years). More are listed here:

Islamic year within Gregorian year
Islamic, Gregorian Difference;

1060 1650 590
1093 1682 589
1127 1715 588
1161 1748 587
1194 1780 586
1228 1813 585
1261 1845 584
1295 1878 583
1329 1911 582
1362 1943 581
1396 1976 580
1429 2008 579
1463 2041 578
1496 2073 577
1530 2106 576
1564 2139 575

Because a hijri or Islamic lunar year is between 10 and 12 days shorter than a Gregorian year, it begins 10–12 days earlier in the Gregorian year following the Gregorian year in which the previous hijri year began. Once every 33.58 hijri years, or once every 32.58 Gregorian years, the beginning of a hijri year (1 Muharram) coincides with one of the first ten days of January. Subsequent hijri New Years move backward through the Gregorian year back to the beginning of January again, passing through each Gregorian month from December to January. To find the Gregorian year and approximate Gregorian month within which a specific hijri year begins, locate that hijri year within the table above. Subtract from it the hijri year after the previous hijri year which occurred within a single Gregorian year (the coinciding year). For the hijri year 1344, the previous coinciding hijri year was 1329, so subtract 1330 from 1344, yielding 14. Add 14 to the coinciding Gregorian year of 1911 yielding 1925. To determine the approximate Gregorian month within which the stated hijri year begins, divide 14 by 33 (the coincidence period) and multiply by 12 months yielding 5.5 months before January. Thus hijri year 1330 begins within July 1925.

The Islamic calendar is now used primarily for religious purposes, and for official dating of public events and documents in Muslim countries. Because of its nature as a purely lunar calendar, it cannot be used for agricultural purposes and historically Islamic communities have used other calendars for this purpose: the Egyptian calendar was formerly widespread in Islamic countries, and the Iranian calendar and the 1789 Ottoman calendar (a modified Julian calendar) were also used for agriculture in their countries. In Morocco, the Berber calendar (another Julian calendar) is still used by farmers in the countryside. These local solar calendars have receded in importance with the near-universal adoption of the Gregorian calendar for civil purposes. As noted above, Saudi Arabia uses the Islamic calendar to date religious occasions such as Ramadan, Hajj, etc. and the Umm-al-Qura calendar, based on calculations, for administrative purposes and daily government business.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Quranic Ayat Messages

"... The Qur'an cannot be translated. ...The book is here rendered almost literally and every effort has been made to choose befitting language. But the result is not the Glorious Qur'an, that inimitable symphony, the very sounds of which move men to tears and ecstasy. It is only an attempt to present the meaning of the Qur'an-and peradventure something of the charm in English. It can never take the place of the Qur'an in Arabic, nor is it meant to do so..."(editor)

"O you who believe! be careful of (your duty to) Allah with the care which is due to Him and do not die unless you are Muslims" (Surah Alye Imran,Ayat no.110)

"And from among you there should be a party who invite to good and enjoin what is right and forbid the wrong and these it is that shall be successful" (Surah Alye Imran,Ayat no.104)

"Allah has promised to those to those who believe and do good deeds (that) they shall have forgiveness and a mighty reward" (Surah Maida,Ayat no.09)

"Yea whoever fulfills his promise and guards (against evil) then surely Allah loves those who guards (against evil)" (Surah Alye Imran,Ayat no.76)
"O ye who believe! Follow not the footsteps of the devil. Unto whomsoever followeth the footsteps of the devil, lo! he commandeth filthiness and wrong. Had it not been for the grace of Allah and His mercy unto you, not one of you would ever have grown pure. But Allah causeth whom He will to grow. And Allah is Hearer, Knower".
[Surah An-Nur : 21]{To be continued...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Al-Shafai(Rahmat-ul-elye) Trust

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Azmat-e-Sahaba(Razi Allah Anhoma)

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To be continued......


"Mohammad(s.a.w) is not the father of any men among you, but He is the Messenger  of Allaah and last(seal) of the Prophets and Allah is aware of all things" (surah Al-Ahzab,Ayat no.40)
"I(s.a.w) am the last Prophets and there shall be no Prophet after me"
Hazrat Sb has proven that no new Ilham is possible so Holy Prophet is Last of the Rusul
It is impossible and improbable that the true principles of Quran can be changed or modified. So it is also illogical and impossible for the darkness of shirk to prevail all over the creation. Now the item that is consequence of an impossible event is also impossible in itself. Hence it is proved that the Holy Prophet pbuh is factually the Khatam-ur-Rusul. (Brahin-e-Ahmadia, pg103, 1880)
Hazrat Sb has beautifully proved that no prophet can come after Holy Prophet

The Quran does not sanction the advent of any prophet after the arrival of the Prophet Muhammad(SAW) whether he is a new one or old one. All the knowledge that a prophet possesses is taught by the angel Gabriel and the door of Gabriel's descent to impact the revelations of prophethood is closed for ever. How can a prophet come now without having access to the revelations of prophethood. (Izalat-ul-Auham, Page 511 RK761 1885

Khatm-e-Nabuwwat(SalAllahualihewaSallam) aur Fitna e Qadianiat
7 September 1975 is a day of great importance in the history of Pakistan. On this day, the National Assembly acting as a representative of the people of Pakistan declared QADIANIS as Non-Muslims and since then they are considered as a Non-Muslim minority

The Holy Prophet (SalAllahuAlaiheWasallam) is the last Prophet sent by Allah Ta’ala. The Muslim Ummah has IJMA’ (Complete Consensus) over the issue.
The Holy Quran elaborates the concept in the following way :"Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah, and the Seal of the Prophets: and Allah has full knowledge of all things."
(Holy Quran, 33:40)

The Holy Prophet (SalAllahuAlaiheWasallam) himself clearified the meaning of Khatam-un-Nabiyyeen on several occasions. Some of the Ahadees are quoted below:

1) Line of Prophethood Terminated
“From Abu Huraira, (Allah be pleased with him): Allah’s messenger Muhammad(SAW) said: “I have been bestowed with excellence over (other) Prophets in six respects: (1) I have been gifted with comprehensive words,
(2) I have been helped through awe (being put in the hearts of enemies)
(3) spoils have been made lawful to me,
(4) the whole earth turned into a mosque for me and a means of purification,
(5) I have been ordained as the Prophet for all humanity, and
(6) the line of the Prophets has been terminated with me”.
(Sahih Muslim, Vol.1, p.199, Mishkat, p.512)

2) “From Abu Huraira, (Allah be pleased with him): Allah’s messenger(SAW) said:
“Certainly my example and the example of prophets earlier than me is like the example of a palace most elegant and most beautiful constructed by a person except (that he left in it) a blank space for a brick in one of its corners and that made the people (who were) going around it wonder (at its marvellousness) and exclaimed (in perplexion): “Why not is this brick inlaid in here!” The Prophet(SAW) said, “I am that (corner’s last) brick and I am the last of the prophets”.
(Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 1, p.501 & Sahih Muslim, Vol. 2, p.248)

3) If There Were To Be A Prophet It Would Have Been Umar(RA)It is narrated by Uqba bin Aamer, (Allah be pleased with him) that Allah’s Messenger Muhammad(SAW) said, “If there could ever be a prophet after me, indeed Umar bin Khattab would have been such”.
(Tirmizi, Vol. 2, p.209)

Conlusion;It stands proved in the above written lines that
(1) the Holy Quran,
(2) unbroken chain of "Mutawatir" Ahadith, and
(3) Consensus of the Muslim Ummah vouch that the holy Prophet Muhammad(SAW) was the terminator of the entire chain of Prophets with no exception (peace be upon them). Therefore no person after Him (SalAllahuAlaiheWaSallam) can be called a prophet in any meaning or sense.Consequently, he who does so or tries to do so or if anybody believes in the prophethood of that claimant, then such a person is a cast off from the fold of Islam.

FITNA-E-QADIANIATAfter the war of independene in 1857, the British gave birth to many Fitnah’s to disintegrate the Muslims. One of them was Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani; he claimed to be a Nabi but the truthness in Khatm-e-Nabuwwat proved him wrong and his life and death were a speaking proof of his lies.

Following is a brief description of this FITNAH

Vahi upon Mirza
He wrote:
This week, some of the verses revealed upon me were in English and I sought their meaning from a Hindu boy but were not satisfactory
(Maktoobat-e-Ahmediya, Part 1, Page-68)

It is noticeable that he was the first Nabi upon whom the Vahi was in English and he could not understand it himself but needed the assistance of a Kaafir.

Mirza’s Courage and Bravery
In August 1897, Dr. Martin Clarke filed a case against Mirza alledging that he published such Ilhamat which became personal attacks uon Certain people. Therefore Mirza, so called Nabi (fearfull of a Kafir), apologized and agreed not to publish such Ilhamat in future
(Tirayaaq-ul-Quloob, Pg 130)

It is questionable whether a Nabi can stop announcing Ilhamat from the fear of a Kafir
Mirza’s Loyalty towards Kuffar
Helping the Kuffar who are a curse for Muslims is Haram in Islam.But Mirza wrote:
“English government is a blessing for you and is your leader made by God”
(Tableeg-e-Rislaalat,Part10, Pg123)

“I have been emphasizing in my books for the last 16 years that Muslims and Hindus are obliged to accept the government and Jihad is Haram”
(Ishtihar 10 Dec 1974)

Mirza’s Death
The death of a Prophet is always a blessing for the Ummah but Mirza’s death became a question mark for his followers because he wrote in (Ishtihaar Banaam Tabsara,1907) that if I am a lier
1) I may die before Molvi Sanaullah Amritsari
2) I may die in an epidemic disease such as plague or diarrhea
Both the conditions were fulfilled and he died of diarrhea.

Web Links;'aqqif.html

Islamic Wallpapers

Web Links;

Islamic Courses

Web Links;

Islamic Greetings/e-cards

Web Links;

Islmaic Caligraphy

Islamic Books

May peace be upon you! - 

And when books are spread abroad (Quran: 81:11)

Web Links;

Islamic Dial Tunes

Please visit the link below of 41 Hours Baby doing Zikr Allah Allah Azzawajal: -
Web Links;

Wrong Islamic Websites

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمد لله رب العالمين، والعاقبة للمتقين، وصلى الله وسلم على عبده ورسوله نبينا محمد، وعلى آله وأصحابه
In reality these websites are sign of dirty minds of these miscreants who through these websites want to spread wrong interpretations and message of Islam even using Arabic language to misguide Muslims or people who sincerely want to know about Islam. But we think they are unaware what God says about Quran. 
Undoubtedly current age is age of internet and millions of people use internet all around the world. Previously internet was used for only dissemination of information but now it is also being used as propaganda tool.
You can get information about history,sports,religion any other thing u like from internet,for getting information about your favorite topic you should have little bit of know how about internet, you can get loads of information from different websites present on the internet.
Internet is usefull tool for getting information but in last few years some criminal minded people are using this wonderfull invention of science for negative purposes,this is unfortunate but this thing also happened many times with other great inventions of Science such as Dynamite which was invented by Alfred Nobel for the benefit of humanity but we misused it and we are using it for the destruction of is also being used for wrong purposes such as spreading Misinformation about Islam. Actually these websites are production of people having destructive minds who are spreading wrong interpretation of Islam.
Here interesting thing to note is that whenever we see negative usage of internet it is always against Muslims which is very regrettable. There are lots of websites who have poisonous material against Muslims and Islam. We gave them the name of Fake Islamic websites or Anti Islamic Websites. Enemies of Islam are trying to deceive Muslims but actually they are deceiving themselves which is very clearly mentioned in following verse of Quran
"They seek to deceive Allah and the believers, and in fact, they deceive not but their own souls, and they perceive not." (Surah; Al-Baqara)

Islamic Websites;

These sites have been developed by people who intentionally propagate wrong information about the QURAN, the HADITH and Islam. - Nothing to do with Islam and Allah.
http://naqshban - Parallel to Islam, but never quite meets it.

False Islamic Websites
The following was emailed to me and I should share with as many people as possible.


Please send this message to every muslim you know...ASAP!
If you dont...A Muslim(s) around the world could be receiving false information about Islamwhich you know about, so I would send this messages as soon as you have read it...

Beware of the following websites:



These sites have been developed by Jews .

Who Intentionally are spreading wrong information about the QURAN , the HADITH andISLAM itself.

Please spread this information To all the Muslim brothers and sisters around the world. Thelist of traced anti Islamic websites on the name of Islam is -
Anti Islaamic Sites List of anti Islaamic sites and Exposé of 3 sites posting false convert stories Exposé of three sites posting false convert stories



This site has posted fake stories of how Muslims converted to Christianity. How do I know? Read the following excerpt from one of the stories:
First the 'convert' says: (emphasis added)
In the end, I managed to convince my mother, as it was for Allah and I joined the Islamic College. Having graduated as an ustaz, I was soon posted to my neighbourhood…
And then:
My trip to Mecca for the Haj (pilgrimage) was tiring but eventful. I did not have the rare opportunity to see inside the holy Kabah and the holy idols inside, which Prophet Muhammud had helped to place, as explained in Bukhari's Hadith
An Ustaz (scholar) in Islaamic Studies is saying that there are idols inside the Kabah and that too placed by Muhammad (saw) himself!?!?!
This clearly shows that the author is deliberately trying to spread misinformation about Islaam and wants to convey to possible reverts to Islaam that it is religion of idol worship.
In fact most of the Christian sites use this tactic of false convert stories but it's not always possible to prove it



AlhamduliLlaah I was able to catch another site posting fake stories of Muslims leaving Islaam. See the false information imparted here. That the attempt is deliberate is known through the claim that the 'convert' has done detailed study about the topic.
For Islamic Education, I had to study about marriage in detail to do well. So, I learnt all the stuff and got the highest grade anyone can get for Islamic Education. And guess what? Because I know it so well, I know that there is a lot of discrimination against women in Islam. Things like a father and grandfather can marry a girl/woman to whomever they want even if the girl/woman doesn't want to marry that person… In addition, I learned things like women couldn't be witnesses in Syariah Courts and things like that
The first point here is a total lie whereas the second is a distorted version of the truth.



Here's yet another extract from a false convert story aimed at spreading misinformation about Islaam.
As I started thinking about my life and the Quran, I realized all Muslims, even the prophet Muhammad, would go to Hell for certain sins they committed in their lifetime.
This is a common ploy of the Christian Missionaries. They first inform gullible victims that Jesus (God) is Love and just by believing in the Crucifixion, you will be assured of Paradise. Whereas the concept of God in Islaam is so harsh that no one will be spared from Hell and that even Prophet Muhammad (saw) was not sure of where he would end up. For this purpose they quote an ayat of the Qur'aan out of context. Here there have gone a step further by saying that even our beloved Prophet (saw) would have to go through hell. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Anti Islaamic Sites under misleading names


Anti Islaamic Sites apparent even by name

Always check the source of any Islamic web site even if it is very convincing



Above: 'The True Furqan'

PLEASE DO NOT ignore this, send it to as many muslims as u can.

The new AMERICAN Quran: a dangerous trick A new Quran
is being distributed in Kuwait , titled 'The True
Furqan'. It is being described as the ayats of the
Shaytan and Al-Furqan weekly magazine has found out
that the two American printing companies;'Omega 2001'
and 'Wine Press' are involved in the publishing of
'The True Furqan', a book which has also been titled
'The 21st Century Quran'! It is over 366 pages and is
inboth the Arabic and English is being
distributed to our children in Kuwait in the private

English schools! The book contains 77 Surats, which
include Al-Fatiha, Al-Jana and Al-Injil. Instead of
Bismillah, each Surat begins with a longer vesion of
this incorporating the Christian belief of the three

this so! called Quran opposes many Islamic
beliefs. in one of its ayats it describes having more
than one wife as fornication, divorce being
non-permissable and it uses a new system for the
sharing out of the will, opposing the current one. It
states that Jihad is HARAAM.

This book even goes as far as attacking Allah,
Subhanahu wa Tahala!

All this is poisoning our children at approx. $3.

Brothers and Sisters please make sure you forward this
email to as many people as possible so that we can
stop this dangerous trick.

Please tell everyone you know and may Allah reward you.

jazake ALLAH khairan


Every person has a Defect
The Lighter Defect is .... What doesnt have a bad Effects on those around us !

Dont Not Forward emails/posts about false islamic websites
Could you please delete the original post of this thread- because some people may visit these websites maybe out of curiousity - this is actually increasing the possibility of Muslims and Non-Muslims visiting these fake evil websites that show false information about Islam, Quran and Hadith etc.

"It is not permissible according to Islam, to visit these sites, nor to mention them, nor to forward emails about them (read on to find out why). This is not the proper way to handle the situation. Infact, this is exactly what the enemies of Islam want us to do. In many cases they pretend to be Muslims or friends of Islam who are supposedly "exposing" these evilwebsites. To those who are not familiar with the way that the search engines work on the internet, there would seem to be no problem in visiting these sites. However, nothing could be further from the truth. The more "hits" (visits) that the site gets, the higher it is going to be rated by the search engines and the higher position it will have on a search. This will help increase the chances of these websites to come up in a word search for "Islam" or "Prophet Muhammad.""

This response has been taken from Yusuf Estes website (

First, when we receive email talking about these sites - DO NOT
FORWARD IT TO EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST.(Just ignore the emails and dont give them any of your attention)

Second, copy the letter below and then send it back to everyone on the list that comes with the email to let them know the ruling on this.

False Islamic Websites